Our Benevolences
Charitable Outreach
The St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing assistance to those in need through our donations to many charities and scholarship programs. Following is a list of current and past educational and humanitarian organizations supported by the Society. Each member may have up to $100 in personal donations matched by the Society’s Burt Middlemas Matching Fund when donated to a listed or approved charity. The Society is grateful to the members and friends who generously support its charitable aims.
- Alma College – Highland Arts Scholarships
- Auchindrain Trust – Scotland
- Baldwin Center
- Burt Middlemas Matching Fund
- Capuchin Kitchen
- Cathedral of St. Paul of Detroit – Clinic
- Charles S. Low Memorial Library-Kilgour Centre
- Children’s Hospital – Shower of Love
- C.O.T.S.
- Detroit Rescue Mission
- DPS Volunteer Reading Corps
- Easterseals
- Easterseals Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse
- Erskine Hospital – Scotland Veterans Charity
- Fisher House Michigan
- Focus HOPE
- Forgotten Harvest
- Fort Street Presbyterian Church – Open Door
- Friends of Foster Kids – Macomb County
- Gaelic College Celtic Arts & Crafts (Nova Scotia)
- Gleaners
- Grace Centers of Hope
- Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc.
- Habitat for Humanity Detroit
- Habitat for Humanity Oakland
- Haven
- Hope for HIE (Hypoxic, Ischemic, Encephalopathy)
- Lighthouse – Pontiac
- Maggie’s Centres – Scotland Cancer Support
- Michigan Animal Rescue League
- MI Freedom Center
- Motor City Mitten
- Myositis Association
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- National Trust for Scotland
- Operation Smile
- Penrickton Center for Blind Children
- Rebuilding Together – Southeast MI Housing
- Ronald McDonald House Charities Detroit
- Saving Scottish Wildcats/The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
- St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit Honor Guard
- St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit Pipe Band
- St. Ephrem Catholic Church – Food Pantry
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Salvation Army Bed & Bread Club
- Scottish Book Trust
- Scottish Wildlife Trust
- Seedlings Braille Books for Children
- South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless
- The Scottish Home (Chicago Scots)
- Tobar an Dualchais (Isle of Skye)
- Trees for Life – Scotland
- Troy Scholastic Program – Morse School
- Trustees’ Personal Grants to Needy
- Toys for Tots
- Turning Point-Second Hand Rose
- Vietnam Veterans of America – Chapter 154
- William S. Kincaid Scottish Arts Scholarship
- Zaman International
(November 2024)
Donations can be made
Directly to PayPal located on the St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit Website: https://detroitscots.com/donate/
Or, send a check
- made payable to the St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit,
- with the Charity noted on the check’s memo line, and
- mail it to:
St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit
Kilgour Scottish Centre
2363 Rochester Road
Troy, MI 48083-1951

Kincaid Scholarships in the Scottish Arts
The William H. Kincaid Scottish Arts Scholarship Program
The St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit is very proud of its Kincaid Scholarship program and the number of scholarship grants and the number of years that the program has been in effect for students and instructors studying and teaching the Scottish arts. The program offers modest scholarships for pipers, drummers, highland dancers, harpists (clarsach), fiddlers, pianists, and other Scottish musical arts to further their interest and improve their skills. Scholarships may be for a variety of schools, camps, clinics, or workshops, whether short-term or week-long programs, as approved by the Kincaid Scholarship program.
Generally, eligibility criteria for scholarships include:
- Reside in, or study with an instructor in, or be a member of a Scottish band, in southeast Michigan, and
- Be recommended by the instructor, and
- For school-age applicants, through high school graduation: meet minimum age requirements set by the desired instructional program, or
- For adults: be considered a “beginner,” that is, classified no higher than a Grade IV piper or drummer, or intermediate dancer or harpist (clarsach), and have no more than five years’ experience.
In awarding scholarships, preference will be given to school-age applicants and to first-time applicants of any age. Instructors desiring to improve their teaching skills may nominate themselves. Applicants must secure admission to their instructional program of choice before an application may be considered.
Each year, applications are provided by the Kincaid Scholarship director to instructors and pipe majors who participated in scholarship programs in the previous year. Those wishing to request materials for the first time are encouraged to do so by contacting the program director listed below.
The St. Andrew’s Society requests recipients to attend one of our General Membership Meetings to showcase their talents.
For more information, please contact:
Dave Martin davemartin@standrewspipeband.com